Monday, 22 June 2015

Orange is the New Black - S3!

The Differential Association is plunging into the world of Orange is the New Black yet again this summer to discuss season 3 of the phenomenally successful Netflix show. In the summer of 2014, we discussed the first two seasons, and this August we're returning to discuss the story so far.

In the interim, Orange is the New Black has spawned its own mini-industry, with seminars devoted to it, and with an exciting array of research which takes the show as its starting point; this research is coming from the fields of media studies, gender/queer studies, critical race studies and criminology and criminal justice issues.

This makes the release of the third season a really pertinent time to get together and discuss how the show is progressing, how characters are developing AND to discuss the reaction to the show as well.

Everyone is welcome! If you missed the first DA on the show, come along and partake in the second.

Date: Wednesday 26th August
Time: 6pm
Venue: Mulligan's on Poolbeg Street - distressingly, the door to the back room has been REMOVED. We shall struggle on, make and mend.